Sunday, March 7, 2010

Build Day 3/6 more pics

Here we were on another build day. Jeremy drove all the way out from savage Wisconsin. And he didn't even bring any cheese curds... BLASPHEMY! Aside from our first attempt at the halo, all the bending went well. Get ready for some action footage, here we are working strenuously to bend the tube. It was exhausting.

And here were are double checking out notes to see how far we had to do the previous 90 degree bend to account for spring back. So exhausting pressing that button for the air over hydraulic...

And a little later, here's the main hoop almost done...

And there she is! Left the legs a little long to trim to fit in the car, but the 30 and 60 deg bends look beautiful.

And after trimming off a half inch at a time, about 4 times, then trimming off blade widths, we got the main hoop to fit. A little more massaging of the sheetmetal around it, and it'll be ready to tack in place. After fitting the main hoop, we decided to widen the halo and made another one of those. It fit much nice, up front at the windshield. Strangely the windshield is wider then at the B-pillar. Kind of annoying. So making the wider halo should help with keeping the front legs of the cage tight to the A-pillar and not blocking too much visibility.

Still got quite a bit of work to do, looks like we'll be working some nights and weekends until its done. Otherwise June will sneak up on us.


  1. Great looking tube bender. Will it be for sale when the cage is complete?

  2. We may sell the one we have after we make the next iteration of it.
