Sunday was another great day of racing. I did get a surprise on one lap after I out braked a slow Mustang on the front straight only to get smacked hard on the drivers side by a BMW who thought he could out brake me. Out brake me? He clearly had NO idea the insane brakes we're running. Or what his car was capable of as he then shot off of the track into weeds. But he managed to smash our drivers door in pretty good.
Other than that unfortunate event, the day was clean. There were much quicker cars out there, but I enjoyed passing several cars that were ahead of us in the standings. I think I was able to pass about 8-10 cars, and got passed by 3, not including the aforementioned BMW who did, briefly, pass me.
Jeremy wrapped up our race, bringing us just past the 22 Escort into 13th. Not as high as I'd hoped, but still respectable for our first time out. But more importantly, I had a huge amount of fun.
And in the end, we won the "O Pinion award" for being voted by the ChumpCar staff as having had a great drive. That was also awesome, too bad there is on trophy and five drivers. ;) It was great fun, the car ran well, we ran well, and we have a few ideas to improve for Iowa. I can't wait. 24 hours, and a fast track? That should be epic!
I don't know how the band stand collapsing was missed, but while we all were packed in out of the rain, waiting to hear the results the band stand was creaking and giving us lots of warning it collapsed in. About a 6 ft by 6 ft section dropped in about 2 ft. Amazingly enough it was just after the "plane worn out" award that was given to our neighbors Team 22.