The Trophy: Sparky McBolt

The Team: Pon, Soren, Jeff and Greg
As it turns out, after Iowa, we had more then just one engine mount broken, ALL THREE, were sheared off. Luckily I had bought a kit, and we replaced all 3. We also found a small brake line leak, and replaced this with braided lines so we wouldn't have to drop the whole rear subframe.

Thanks to Alex B for taking and sharing some great pictures! Check out his site for more:
Alex Bellus Photography
Alex's Picasa Album
They're semi-chronological over the course of the day. Morning-Midday:

The run at dusk had a pretty awesome sunset, but that made seeing kind of interesting...

Thanks to everyone who helped get the car fixed after Iowa, and thanks to Jeremy, Erik and my dad for crewing during the race. And of course thanks to all our other fans that made the race and hung out with us. Aside from coming in for fuel early on the first stint (yeah we should top it off now before races...) and the radiator fans falling off, it was a pretty smooth race. I'm very glad I was the last one in the car, from the sounds of it, the mosquitoes after sundown were horrendous! Maybe next year we'll just run the double 7 hour race. Videos are uploading, and I'll post them soon. Tomorrow its back to work prepping for the Chumpionship on Labor Day weekend!
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