Thursday, January 5, 2012

Caption contest!

This photo of bear racing NEEDS a hilarious caption!

We need to turn this into Team T-Shirts and we need some hilarious captions or quotes to pair with it. Post your caption in the comments.

Winner gets their caption on our shirt, recognition on the blog and Facebook page, and I will personally buy you a Team T-Shirt.

I'll get you started, discuss!
"Even with one horsepower, BEAR WINS!"
"If horse doesn't win, I eat him"
"You cannot catch a bear"


  1. This racing stuff not so hard, even without opposable thumbs.

  2. Not a bear in sight. The bear patrol must be working like a charm!

  3. We're here! We're queer! We don't want anymore bears!

  4. Ok, here are a few, "Bear Patrol, Canadian division", "No one ever said you couldn't teach an old bear new tricks", "Bear Patrol the early years"
    now with spell check

  5. Let's get those chumps using our name!
