Two more pictures with the bumper taped in place. We started planning and cutting the tube bumper that we'll fit underneath it as well.
The main hoop tacked in place:
The wye-pipe we cut out of the car. It looks like we'll keep it and weld a 3" single exhaust onto it with a single muffler out the back:
Greg and Jeremy working on the cage:
The halo:
This is the original radiator. It's probably a good thing it was damaged in the bear accident, because it was in horrible condition.
The stripped down steering wheel. It looks so dainty now!
We also did a noise test with my phone. While it's not calibrated it gave an idea of noise. With only the two front cats still in place we were showing about 85dB at 50'at idle. Here's a video:
We also completed most of the wiring for the cooling fans including getting them wired into the original cooling fan ECM that originally ran a solenoid in the hydraulic system. It now runs a relay that will power the fan.
We also cut a piece of aluminum to cover the sunroof hole, finished cleaning up the rear side window openings, and worked on a bunch of other little projects. No huge break-throughs today, but a good day of working.
We have a tune day at BIR the last week of May, so we've got about two months left to finish the car. Should be enough time, but we've still got plenty to do.
And we've already met my original weight loss goal. So far we've removed over 600 lbs of weight from the car. We're adding a cage back in, but our total weight should be under 3300lbs.